
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Etiquette--Bread and Butter

A few weeks ago, we went to a banquet at a country club.  I found myself needing a refresher on what to do with my roll and butter.  So here's the skinny on bread and butter.

Before eating, you should break the bread into moderate sized pieces with your fingers.  Then you can butter the bread one piece at a time.  There were some differing opinions on whether you should hold the piece of bread when buttering or hold it against your plate, not in your hand.  The most prevailing opinions said to hold the bread in your fingers.  Toast and hot biscuit halves can be buttered all at once since they taste the best when the butter is melted.

If the butter is in the center of the table with a butter knife provided, you should transfer the amount you want to use to your bread plate, or to the side of your dinner plate if there isn't a bread plate.  If no utensil is provided, individuals may use their own clean knives or forks.

When butter is served as individually wrapped squares, leave the empty wrappers on your bread plate or tucked under the edge of your dinner plate if you don't have a bread plate. 

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