
Friday, August 28, 2015

Individual Fruit Tart

For Father’s Day this year, the men at church each received an individual fruit tart.  Turns out they are one of my husband’s favorite desserts.  Who knew?  After our Ludington, MI blueberry picking adventure, he asked me to make him a batch.  No surprise here, but they went fast.  This recipe is adapted from Our Best Bites fruit pizza, and the fruit glaze is a recipe from Heather Brown.

Raw Ingredients

Creamed Butter and Egg

Frosted Cookies
Glazed Fruit
Finished Product

Individual Fruit Tarts
From the Kitchen of Lynnae Hymas


·         1 cup real butter (no substitutions!)
·         1 cup white sugar
·         1 egg
·         1 teaspoon almond extract
·         3 cups all-purpose flour
·         1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
·         ½ teaspoon table salt

Creamy Topping

·         1 8-once package cream cheese (light cream cheese is fine)
·         ¼ cup brown sugar
·         1 cup whipping cream
·         ½ cup powdered sugar

Pizza Topping

·         1 pint strawberries, washed, hulled, sliced, and patted dry
·         1 pint blueberries, washed and patted dry

Clear Fruit Glaze

·         ½ cup Sugar
·         1 cup water or pineapple juice
·         2 tablespoon cornstarch
·         2 tablespoon corn syrup


For the crust, using a mixer, cream the butter and egg until light and fluffy.  The butter and egg should be room temperature—it’ll take about 5-7 minutes.  Add sugar and extract and cream together.

In a separate bowl combine flour, baking powder and salt.  Spoon the flour into the cup and then level it off with a knife.  Slowly add the flour mixture to the butter mixture and mix until completely combined.

Roll out the dough to about ¼ of an inch thick.  Using a biscuit cutter or  even a quart jar lid ring, cut the dough into individual circles and put on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper or silicon baking mat.  Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least an hour. 

Bake at 350°F for 8-12 minutes.  If you like them really soft and slightly chewy, about 8-9 minutes does it. If you like them slightly crisp and buttery, then go for 10-12. Allow to cool completely.

While the crust is cooling, start making the clear fruit glaze.  Bring ½ cup sugar to a boil with ½ cup of the water or juice.  Dissolve corn starch in ½ cup of the water or juice and add it to the sugar mixture.  Cook stirring until mixture thickens and clears.  Stir in corn syrup.  Bring to a boil and then remove from heat.  Cool.

When the crust is almost cool, use an electric mixer to combine the cream cheese, and brown sugar until light and fluffy. In a separate bowl, whip the cream and powdered sugar until medium peaks form. Fold the whipped cream into the cream cheese mixture and combine well.

Spread the cream cheese mixture over the cooled crust. Arrange the berries as desired over the creamy topping. Using a pastry brush, brush the fruit with the clear fruit glaze. 

Refrigerate until ready to serve. Makes 24 tarts.

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